Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Me in a Nutshell

I am a woman who votes based on issues and values, not the color of someone's skin. I am a mother of two children, one in middle school and one in college. I am a wife of a man who owns his own business. I am a gun owner. I believe in God. I am a person who wants decent healthcare, not government-run healthcare. (Our current system is in dire need of help but if the government can make a total mess of Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, and can't even run "Cash for Clunkers" without a hitch, why should I believe they can fix healthcare?) I believe babies born alive deserve to be held and to live, or held and comforted while they pass, not be left in an incubator or in a corner to die alone. I believe everyone should stand and put their hand over their heart during the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem. I believe that if you come to live in this country, you should learn our language not the other way around...it's what my German grandmother did. I believe we can win the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and I support our troops. I also believe America has become too politically correct.

My loves: candles ~ the dark ~ thunderstorms ~ cuddling with R ~ the smell of rain ~ that cute little giggle J has ~ our dogs and our cat ~ pink and dark blue ~ driving fast with music blasting ~ kisses ~ watching our kids grow and knowing we're doing a pretty darn good job raising them ~ my 10th wedding anniversary ring ~ going to bed after a long day at work in the NICU ~ palm trees ~ calla lilies ~ B's smile ~ my iTouch ~ reading Patricia Cornwell books ~ listening to J play guitar ~ German food ~ Florida ~ helping the littlest of babies survive or pass with care and dignity ~ chillin' ~ Starbucks coffee ~ good music ~ knowing that when R says "I love you" he means it ~ watching a good movie ~ my mom ~ my friends ~ and most of all - R, B, and J.

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